Thursday, 17 April 2014

My friend collapsed. =(

If you are reading this, I am actually writing this at 12.30am. I want to keep my blog updated everyday. =)

We had a practical session this morning in our school.
And we are told to read the manual before going to class. The lecturer even say it is compulsory, if not don't come to the class.
So I spent 2hours to read the manual, only to find out that no pre-reading is required.
The lecturers just did some demonstration and we just follow what they did.
I am quite angry actually.
I could have use that time reading the manual to do something else.

I really don't like it when the lecturers don't really mean what they say in the class.
They told us about what is covered in the exam and even asked us to focus on some chapters.
They seems so nice to give some guidance on what to study..
Then when you sit for the exam, you only realize you are dead.
The lecturer basically just forget what they say is important & did some FREESTYLE with the exam questions. ARGHHHH.. punching the wall with my fist!
But I still feel glad that there are still some lecturers(maybe one or two) who actually keep their words.

Practical session:
We are required to take some measurements of the body such as height, weight and etc. *Skin fold measurements
I found that I got 13.5% of body fat during the class, is this counted as fat? Hopefully not.
And the most embarrassing moment today was to find out that I am are actually a lot shorter than I think I am.

I was 168 cm before I enter the class, but then somehow I got 164.6 cm as my measurement.
There is something wrong with the measurement equipment or my friends measured wrongly!!!?
I still can't accept the fact that I am that short.
How can a man be so short?

The scariest moment in my life today
I thought I would not see my friend anymore. 

While the lecturer was giving a demonstration of the procedure, my friend collapsed in front of me.
I was completely shocked and have no idea what I could do. I wanted to help, but I am just completely stunned at that moment.
Luckily she was alright after that. She then tell us that she faints because she has a very low blood pressure.
Hope she will take good care of herself and eat more.

Anyway, I really need to start to appreciate my friends more from now onwards. =)

Okay, time for sleep. It's super late and there is a morning class tomorrow. Nights!!
Super random food picture! Why post this?

I am HUNGRY all the time.
Urgently need a food buddy that is free 24/7 to hunt food together with me so badly.=/

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